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Frequently Asked Questions


Can I have a receipt for my insurance?

If you have an extended healthcare plan, we can issue receipts as a holistic health practitioner.

It's mobile, right? Do I need to prepare anything?

Yes, it is an in-home practice. As such, you can prepare the room in a way that you will feel comfortable in.

Yoga: Bring out your Yoga Mat. Yoga blocks are a plus.

Thai Massage: Medicine Hands provides with a clean set of sheet, all-purpose cleaner and the thick mat on which massage therapy will happen. You will need to prepare 2-3 pillows that we can use for your own comfort.

When will you arrive?

Normally 5 to 10 minutes before the appointment to set up the space and maximize your time with us.


Please allow some flexibility in case of traffic.

Is there any oil used on the body?

No, Thai Massage is very different from the usual Swedish massage. No oils are used on the body as it is fully clothed. Think of it as a passive yoga class in which you can let the practitioner make the effort for you.

What should I wear?

Loose and comfortable clothing, as if you would go to the gym or to a yoga class.

Pertaining to massage therapy, we will be moving into passive stretches, so be mindful of working clothes, jeans, etc.

Do I need to be flexible?

Not at all. Every session is created with care of meeting your needs and limitations in that particular moment. Postures and the way we ease into them will be chosen in conjunction to what manifests within yourself.

I've only had massages on a table. Is that any different?

Yes, very different! Thai Massage takes place on a thick and comfortable mat on the floor, fully clothed.

I'm not situated in Toronto, can I still get massage therapy from you?

Here at Action Potential Therapy, we really strive to offer our clients the best possible service. We cover Toronto, but are not limited to it. Depending on the situation, we can also extend our reach to other cities like Etobicoke or even Mississauga. Feel free to call us if you have any doubts.

Do you offer group yoga classes?

Action Potential Therapy offers one-on-one private classes, but can also offer a class for multiple people at once for the price of one session. This is perfect for those who would prefer to lower their cost, but still want to afford a smaller and more intimate experience of yoga.

Feel free to call Action Potential Therapy at 438-929-6771 if one of your question has not been answered. It will be our please to help you!